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Season's Greetings from Innecto!

Posted on 22 December 2015

With the new year fast approaching, we’d like to say thank you to all our clients, partners and everyone else we have had the pleasure of working with in 2015. It’s been a great year at Innecto – here are some of our highlights:

  • Becoming a Finalist for Consultancy of the Year in the Personnel Today Awards 2015
  • Hosting some fantastic events; Pay Trends Roadshow 2015, RemCom Academy and a roundtable lunch discussing Reward in 2025, and speaking at the annual e-Reward Conference
  • Developing new software to help our clients – a free gender pay calculator to identify headline gender pay gaps and our new online tool for surveys and pay benchmarking, launching in 2016
  • Launching our first pay survey for lawyers and running a pay & benefits survey for Mayfair casinos
  • Supporting our client Gemserv with a reward project that lead to them becoming a runner-up in the Reward Magazine VIB Awards
  • Working with several new clients in the health care sector including running a multi-stream reward project for a large independent health care provider
  • Collaborating with clients on more employee engagement and communications projects than ever before
  • Director of Consulting, Deborah Rees publishing a chapter on Rewarding Talent in the latest edition of the Compensation Handbook

We'd like to wish you and your families a relaxing and enjoyable festive season and a successful 2016!

From all the team at Innecto Reward Consulting.

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