Their challenge
Norfolk Care Association (NorCA) is the voice of social care providers across Norfolk and Waveney. There is currently no national single job evaluation framework for care, and with c500 regulated independent care providers in the area, other than referencing the NHS/ Local authorities, it is challenging for those in care roles to understand how roles and reward compare across the sector. NorCA sought to create a local Adult Social Care Worker Job Evaluation Framework to promote parity of esteem for equivalent roles across all frontline social care jobs including those working for the local authority and the NHS. The Framework recognises and articulates the skills, experience, knowledge, responsibility and working conditions in different roles across the health and care system. Alongside this piece of work, NorCA wanted to undertake some research into basic pay so that providers using the Framework could make look at how their pay policies.Our solution
Recognising that creating a framework whereby roles can be assessed against a Framework criteria and placed within a pay bracket would in essence be similar to job evaluation schemes & pay ranges used by local authorities and the NHS, NorCA commissioned Innecto Reward Consulting to support them with this project. Using our expertise in developing job evaluation frameworks, we worked in close partnership with the team to create the Framework, calculate basic rates of pay for the different levels of the Framework and develop detailed supporting guidance. The work involved several phases including (1) Conducting desk-based research to help inform language and evaluation factors for the Framework, establishing a fit-for-purpose scoring mechanism and identifying benchmark rates of pay for a range of jobs in the sector from Care / Support Worker to Care Manager; (2) Working extensively with different care organisations across the Norfolk region to test and refine the Framework; (3) Developing a pay dashboard that care providers could use to identify indicative pay ranges for jobs at different levels; and (4) Carrying out stakeholder engagement through workshops / upskilling sessions.The outcome
The Framework idea has generated great interest among care providers and other stakeholder groups, not only in the Norfolk region but UK-wide. Care providers had previously highlighted a real need for a framework that could help their organisations on the ground and contribute to the national debate on parity of esteem.
NorCA is now working with a web development team to digitise the Framework and enable an effective user experience. A roadmap is also currently in development to support the Framework’s launch, including extensive product testing of the digital platform and communication activities for a range of stakeholder audiences. The Framework is due for official launch by Spring / Summer 2023. It is anticipated that the Framework will greatly support both care providers in providing their employees and prospective employees with a robust career development tool and help improve pathways, improving attraction and retention within the profession (a huge challenge currently). It will also contribute to the national debate on parity of esteem with comparable roles across the entire health and care system.
Client feedback
Norfolk Care Association has worked with Innecto on developing our Care Worker Framework over the last 18 months, we have found Innecto to be efficient, communicative and very supportive throughout the process and their skills and expertise, especially within HR have been incredibly valuable to the project. The team have been very friendly and has gone above and beyond to deliver what we need in a timely fashion and to a high standard.
Company Profile
Industry Not-for-profit
No. of Employees 500