Pay Review: what’s your strategic approach in Q4?
Justine Woolf | 15 September 2023
Pay Review time has arrived again which may feel like a continuous process: an uphill treadmill of pressure, budget crunching and scenario re-modelling.
Equal Pay: Don't get stumped by pay equity
Sarah Lardner | 01 September 2023
Pay equity refers to the fair compensation and benefits individuals receive for performing similar work or work of equal value, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or other personal characteristics. This principle is essential for promoting fairness in the workplace, creating a level playing field in terms of remuneration, and preventing discrimination and bias that may result in unequal pay for comparable work.
Choose the right data for pay benchmarking
Sarah Lardner | 25 August 2023
Selecting the right pay data to benchmark jobs in your organisation can be challenging at the best of times, not helped by the variety of options available out there, which many are being positioned as ‘real-time’ data.
Pay Review - risks in processes and how to mitigate
Sarah Lardner | 18 August 2023
Sarah Lardner explains how a recent client streamlined their pay review process by eliminating spreadsheets, reducing the risk of error, reducing resource hours, engaging line managers and enabling far better reporting with Advance.