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Video Blog: Deborah Rees-Frost at REBA

Posted on 05 February 2018

It was fantastic to speak at REBA's Innovation Day this year, especially on a subject which so many businesses overlook at their peril.

With a record turnout of 200 delegates, technology and digitalisation is clearly an area of huge interest for our HR audience. It's something we all need to get to grips with over the next few years, and make sure the sea change in working practices is to our organisations' advantage. Innecto is leading the way through our innovative Innecto Digital platform, which includes cloud-based Reward tools, PayLab™ and Evaluate™. 

I hope you find the talk useful - if you have questions or would like to discuss the topic in further detail, please give Innecto a call on 020 3457 0894. 

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