Category: Pay Data
Equal Pay: Don't get stumped by pay equity
Sarah Lardner | 01 September 2023
Pay equity refers to the fair compensation and benefits individuals receive for performing similar work or work of equal value, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or other personal characteristics. This principle is essential for promoting fairness in the workplace, creating a level playing field in terms of remuneration, and preventing discrimination and bias that may result in unequal pay for comparable work.
Choose the right data for pay benchmarking
Sarah Lardner | 25 August 2023
Selecting the right pay data to benchmark jobs in your organisation can be challenging at the best of times, not helped by the variety of options available out there, which many are being positioned as ‘real-time’ data.
REBA: How to use reward technology to identify and fill pay gaps
Sarah Lardner | 30 June 2023
Diversity, equity and inclusion policies are becoming more and more important within organisations and technology can help improve their effectiveness
What next for young workers after rise in minimum wage levels?
Simon Cook | 18 May 2023
National Living Wage | Pay Progression | Pay Data
On both a national and company-led level, pay increases must be matched by initiatives to create opportunity and enable progression.
Building Pay Resilience in a volatile market
Sarah Lardner | 20 January 2023
On 17 January BBC online published an article entitled Cost of living: Five tips for asking for a pay rise. It is one of many articles currently being published on the topic, but the website and app are among the most-read in the UK and the article, which offers ‘five tips on how to negotiate for more money' will reach potentially millions of eyeballs.
How to provide adjustments without breaking existing pay structures
14 July 2022
Pay & Reward | Pay Structure | Pay Review | Reward | Pay Data | Cost of Living
Linkedin is an extremely powerful tool for engagement but it is creating new headaches for employers already struggling in a tricky market.
How to mitigate pay pressure, especially in hard to recruit sectors
07 July 2022
Pay Fairness | Pay & Reward | Pay Progression | Pay Review | Pay Data
The current cost of living crisis is bringing with it a whole new wave of pay pressure for employers, but traditionally pay pressure can arise when you have an urgent need for hot skills.
How to utilise workforce data to inform pay fairness in your reward strategy.
16 June 2022
HR Reward | Pay Fairness | Pay & Reward | PayLab | Advance | Pay Data
Fairness is referenced by many organisations in their pay principles, and whilst none of us set out to pay unfairly, the reality is most reward frameworks are seen as unfair by employees.
Three key features your pay review software must have
03 February 2022
Pay Review | Advance | Pay Data
The painful pay review process is leading many HR teams to look for software to handle the heavy lifting - if you are considering implementing a software solution for your next pay review, make sure you pick one that has these three must-have features.
Pay Data: The right version of the truth?
24 November 2021
Salary survey | Pay benchmarking | Pay Data
As we move cautiously out of the pandemic, ‘getting pay data right’ has never been more important. But how can you make sure you are selecting the right pay data, and how do you interpret what the data is telling you? Lisa Trewhitt offers her four main recommendations.
A league of their own: Sporting Bodies 2016 survey highlights
02 August 2016
Gender Pay | Pay & Reward | Salary survey | Pay Data
We have an exceptional track record in running bespoke salary surveys for a range of specific industries. Our Sporting Bodies survey has been going for four years now, providing valuable market insight to employers in this sector. In this blog, Ian Glendinning shares some of the highlights from the most recent edition of the survey...