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Category: Recognition

How to do recognition on a budget

21 August 2018

HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Motivation | Recognition

Pay is the primary motivator for most people when it comes to staying in a job. But when there's no budget for pay increases, how do you keep employees engaged and onside? Senior Consultant Ben Rowley has a few ideas - and it's all about the 'thank you.'

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How to do recognition on a budget

8 key insights into the future of total reward

31 July 2018

HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Motivation | Recognition | Total Reward & Engagement

Companies need to reflect their employees' increasing demands for a flexible and innovative offering - one way to do this is via a total reward package. To help you get it right, Innecto's Justine Woolf has 8 key total reward elements to consider, plus some recent examples of total reward in action.

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8 key insights into the future of total reward

'Tis the season: tips for rewarding your staff this Christmas

08 December 2015

HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Motivation | Reward Intelligence | Recognition

How are you rewarding your employees this Christmas? More importantly, are you getting the most out of your investment? In this blog, Hannah Broome shares some top tips for successful Christmas rewards...

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'Tis the season: tips for rewarding your staff this Christmas

Recognition: the power of thanks

21 July 2015

HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Reward Intelligence | Recognition

Recognition is one of those things that many think is easy to do in reward. In reality there is much more complexity around making sure your recognition practices are meaningful to your staff, driving the right performance and delivering value to the business...

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Recognition: the power of thanks

Latest Case Study

Bloomsbury Publishing

Bloomsbury Publishing is an internationally renowned book publishing company that specialises in various genres, from fiction to academic publications. The company sought to enhance its People practices by attracting, retaining, and motivating top talent in the...

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Bloomsbury Publishing