Innecto specialises in creating successful pay structures that empower organisations to manage pay in a transparent, consistent and fair way. Every pay structure Innecto helps create is unique and designed to fit an individual organisation’s DNA. Our team is well-practised in balancing internal and external equity to deliver a pay structure that is effective, affordable, and serves business aims.
Pay structures are vital tools to help organsiations manage employee pay in a consistent, fair & equitable way. As the demand for greater transparency grows, being able to share how pay is managed in your organisation requires robust, market aligned frameworks to be in place. This may require creation of pay ranges where none exist currently, review or complete overhaul of legacy structures. Innecto can help.
By combining your market data with current internal salaries, we work in partnership with you to develop pay structures that are clear, affordable, and realistic, while also future-proofed. This includes modelling the impact of the new ranges to assess any potential cost implications, conducting equality impact assessments to ensure fairness and facilitating options to manage pay progression.
The discovery phase ensures all relevant stakeholders are involved in providing input to fully define the challenge being addressed.
Refencing levels & using outputs from existing market benchmarking, we will use the insights to design a new pay framework based on your reward principles, proposed market stance and specific requirements.
We can support this by creating policies & communications to help embed new frameworks successfully.

Case Study: Crohns & Colitis UK
As a growing charity with aspirations to double its income to 15M within 5 years, CCUK found that the existing grade structure had created a gap between the Directors and senior managers. The charity wanted to be more aligned to market and provide opportunities to progress pay for staff, mindful of affordability and ensuring that funds were used appropriately as per the charitable objectives.
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Why Innecto?
Innecto ensures when designing a new pay structure that it is flexible and scalable to accommodate the changing needs of organisations.
Our consultants work closely with organisations to understand existing arrangements and strategic aims, and how these can underpin a robust and cost-efficient pay structure.
Innecto consultants have designed and delivered all kinds of pay structures, from job family frameworks to broadbands, across all industries and business sizes. We understand the key to effective design and ongoing successful management require:
A clearly articulated pay strategy
Structures that strike the right balance between internal and external equity and employees' current pay
Simplicity and pragmatism to ensure easy upkeep and straightforward communication
Implementing a fair, consistent, and transparent approach to pay and grading lays the foundation for a strong people strategy. This not only enhances employee engagement and productivity but also aligns with policies related to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) and Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) initiatives.
We support our clients with implementation of new frameworks, from pay progression mechanics to embedding and engagement activity, ensuring that both employees and managers understand them. Our digital software Advance also facilitates pain free pay review processes.