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Category: Employee communications


Employee Appreciation Day - Importance of a thank you

Employee communications | Employee Experience

Recognition is one of those areas of reward that we all think is quite easy to do. Put in place a formal company scheme, give it a cheesy name and Bob’s your uncle – we have recognition! The reality is that while formal schemes do work, and I have seen them work very well, my experience is that formal company recognition schemes are the icing on the cake. Outside of pay and bonus awards, it’s at the individual and team level where the greatest impact of non-financial recognition can be made on a daily basis.

Posted by Justine Woolf on
04 July 2024

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What can you do to boost employee engagement

Employee engagement | Employee communications | Engagement

Employee engagement is for all employees, not just a few. It is vital that any programme reaches and resonates with all employees to make a positive difference. But how do we do that? Firstly, we need to understand how engaged employees are and whether there are any areas of concern.

Posted by Sarah Lardner on
10 June 2022

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Why employee engagement can ease the pressure on pay and reduce skills shortages

Pay & Reward | Employee engagement | Employee communications | Engagement

We do naturally see ebbs and flows in pay movement, and what feels heightened now, will in time be part of a wave.

Posted by Justine Woolf on
25 February 2022

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How to make your communication strategy inclusive

Employee engagement | Employee communications | Communications | Employee Experience

Achieving a truly inclusive internal comms strategy takes energy and a commitment to review and evolve. Cathryn Edmondson discusses some of the steps an organisation can take in pursuit of an inclusive internal comms strategy.

Posted by Cathryn Edmondson on
24 December 2020

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How communicating with and engaging employees will change in the next five years

Employee engagement | Employee communications | Engagement | Communications | HR Technology | Employee Experience | Diversity

As baby boomers bow out while Gen Z become a bigger proportion of the workforce, it’s important to rethink your organisation’s engagement strategy. With only 1 in 3 employees on average engaged globally, there has never been more reason to refresh existing tactics.

Posted by Mark Macoun on
03 December 2020

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Authenticity, and why your internal brand is just as important as your external brand

Pay & Reward | Employee engagement | Employee communications | Engagement | HR Technology | Productivity | Employee Experience

If you aren’t communicating your employee deal effectively, not only are you not getting best return on investment for your spend, but you aren’t leveraging the often many great benefits that make up your total reward deal to best advantage when it comes to attracting, motivating and retaining your staff.

Posted by Justine Woolf on
14 July 2020

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Paying for performance in the not-for-profit sector: Part 2

HR Reward | Pay Transparency | Bonus | Performance Related Pay | Reward Intelligence | Employee communications | Pay trends | Recognition

This week Justine Woolf presents Part 2 of her How-To on performance-based pay in the not-for-profit sector. She looks at how to decide if it's right for your organisation and if so, how to make it a success.

Posted by Justine Woolf on
12 May 2020

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Onboarding whilst social distancing

Reward Consultancy | Employee engagement | Employee communications | HR Technology | Employee Experience | Covid-19

Onboarding is such a crucial part of any new hire’s impressions of their employer. Get it right and they’ll be engaged and productive; get it wrong and it’s hard to recover for both sides. But how to go about it when normal life is suspended?

Posted by Andrew Walker on
23 April 2020

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Crisis? What crisis?: How to manage employee communications

HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Employee communications | Communications | Covid-19

How to keep your workforce engaged during the Covid-19 lockdown - some key principles for communicating effectively with employees when meeting face-to-face isn’t an option.

Posted by Andrew Walker on
14 April 2020

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How social distancing has brought our team closer together

Employee communications | Flexible working | Culture | Covid-19

As businesses across the globe navigate the landscape created by the spread of the Coronavirus, Justine Woolf takes a look at how socially distancing has, in some regards, made us more connected than ever.

Posted by Justine Woolf on
23 March 2020

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How HR can adapt to Coronavirus disruption and enable better engagement

HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Employee engagement | Employee communications | Engagement | Flexible working | Communications | Agile working | HR Technology | Wellbeing | Covid-19

With Coronavirus disruption and so many employees now working remotely, it’s essential we don’t forget the importance of connecting with each other. Judith Moore examines 3 priorities for HR professionals to keep employees engaged during this difficult time.

Posted by Judith Moore on
17 March 2020

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How to have a pain-free Pay Review

HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Employee communications | Pay Review

If you're about to embark on your Annual Pay Review, first read Cathryn Edmondson's blog on how to make this year's process simpler, smoother and better.

Posted by Cathryn Edmondson on
25 February 2020

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