Category: Business Ethics
Genuine gestures or PR stunt?
03 April 2020
Executive Pay | Bonus | Pay Fairness | Pay & Reward | Business Ethics | Covid-19
Innecto's Justine Woolf explains why headline reports of CEOs taking salary cuts aren't all they appear, and whether football clubs should consider cutting players' pay in line with other staff.
Download our Responsible Reward guide
11 February 2020
Corporate Governance | Executive Pay | Pay Transparency | Pay Fairness | Equal Pay | Gender Pay | Pay & Reward | Measuring pay | Employee engagement | Pay trends | Communications | Business Ethics | HR Ethics | National Living Wage | Recognition | Pension | Ethnicity Pay Reporting
Our aim in producing this guide is to share knowledge around what responsible reward means today and bring it to life with practical examples which you may want to explore at your organisation.
Using reward to enhance company culture
27 November 2018
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Motivation | Employee engagement | Business Ethics | Culture | Total reward | Pay Structure | Recognition | Reward Strategy | Job evaluation
At a time of record levels of job-switching, how do you keep employees on-board? One answer is to focus on something money can’t buy. Here's some ideas on how to reinforce your company culture through good reward policies and practice.
Solving the pay squeeze puzzle
07 November 2017
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Performance Related Pay | Pay Fairness | Pay & Reward | Benefits intelligence | Employee engagement | Pay framework | Business Ethics | Organisational Design | Total reward | Reward Strategy | Reward
The pay squeeze problem isn't going away any time soon - and it hits low-paid workers hardest. As an HR leader, what can you do to help your lower-paid employees? Innecto's Reward Consultant Alastair Cole helps you put the pieces together.
CEO Pay Ratios - What's the story?
26 September 2017
Corporate Governance | HR Reward | Pay Transparency | Reward Consultancy | Performance Related Pay | Pay Fairness | Equal Pay | Analytics | Communications | Business Ethics | Organisational Design | Reward
CEO-worker pay gap reporting is coming to the UK and the US next year. Client Director Sarah Lardner gives her perspective on the pros and cons of the reporting requirements, and potential pitfalls when reporting your data.
Behind the Headlines: Getting Ahead of the Curve
19 September 2017
Pay Transparency | Pay Fairness | Equal Pay | Gender Pay | Pay & Reward | Good data | Analytics | Business Ethics | HR Ethics | Talent | Pay Progression | Ethnicity Pay Reporting
Without understanding exactly how and why a pay gap exists, it’s impossible to take practical steps to close it. In light of PricewaterhouseCoopers' recently published ethnic minority pay gap figures, Innecto's Sarah Lardner assesses the importance of considering changes to your practices now, to avoid exposing a significant pay gap in a few years’ time.
Public vs. Private sector reward: Who’s better off?
01 August 2017
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Performance Related Pay | Pay Fairness | Reward Intelligence | Pay & Reward | Good data | Measuring pay | Benefits intelligence | Employee engagement | Global reward | Business Ethics | Reward Strategy | Performance | Reward
There's been much debate over the differences between public and private sector pay and who is better or worse off. In this blog, Justine Woolf discusses this disparity and how organisations can align pay and reward to bring employees together within a coherent, overarching framework...
Three reasons why independent pay benchmarking benefits your business
13 June 2017
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Pay Fairness | Reward Intelligence | Pay & Reward | Good data | Analytics | Pay framework | Business Ethics | HR software | Pay benchmarking | Job evaluation | Job Descriptions
It’s very easy to get caught up in personalities and performance when benchmarking a role. Benchmarking is not about how well an individual performs. So when you spend every day with your employees, it becomes increasingly difficult to focus purely on a role without letting personality, likability and performance come into play.Here are three key benefits of using an independent reward consultant: Read more here....
Six steps to gender pay reporting success
07 March 2017
HR Reward | Pay Transparency | Reward Consultancy | Equal Pay | Equal Pay Audits | Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting | Reward Intelligence | Employee engagement | Engagement | Business Ethics
Gender pay reporting is here. The snapshot date for reporting is only four weeks away, on 6 April. In this blog, Amanda Corker shares our six step process to gender pay reporting that helps clients take responsibility and control of gender pay...
Who’s holding the organisational moral compass?
20 January 2015
Corporate Governance | HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Business Ethics | HR Ethics
Director, Justine Woolf explores the topic of company morals and ethics in relation to pay and reward. Do organisations have a moral responsibility to protect employees from themselves? Read her blog to find out more ...